Eduard Bloch <> writes:

> I will keep this task open, though. Maybe there should be some check
> looking whether sudo is allowed for the user and add "sudo halt"
> there.

JFYI, I've made the following configurations:

I have created a group that would be permitted to do all the operations
with shutdown without password. I have named it "shutdown". Then I have
added to /etc/sudoers the lines:

Cmnd_Alias POWEROFF = /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/halt, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff
%shutdown   ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: POWEROFF

to permit the users from group shutdown.

The ~/.icewm/preferences contains:

ShutdownCommand="sudo /sbin/halt"
RebootCommand="sudo /sbin/reboot"

The we need to add the user to the group shutdown:

addgroup user shutdown

and reinitialize the session

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