On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 03:53:51PM +0200, Arno Töll wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11.09.2012 00:45, Simon Schubert wrote:
> > For more than two years I've been trying to talk to Peter to get the
> > Debian package updated, but did not receive any answer so far.  Out of
> > desperation I started maintaining my own debian/ directory at some
> > point, in the hope that Peter would have it easier to update the package.
> This sounds like an unfortunate state, indeed. Peter, could you please
> elaborate your rationale to maintain your own set of patches to dma
> specific to Debian, which might considered to effectively be a fork
> instead of upgrading upstream releases?
> > I am extremely disappointed with the current situation, but I don't know
> > how to fix this issue.  Maybe somebody in Debian could take over
> > maintenance of the package?
> I understand your frustration, but as a peer-driven community, we have
> limited possibilities to overrule a package maintainer. This can be
> done, but if so it must be considered as a very last step.
> Maybe, for now, let's try to work out everyone's arguments and positions.


Sorry about this... again (as I have indeed apologized to Simon about
this situation in the past).  The truth is, I've been meaning to update
dma earlier this year, but a very high-pressure work project took up all
of my energy and left me with no free time to speak of from last October
till mid-August.

In the past week I have tried to pick up my Debian work and, yes, I will
indeed try to update dma to a (much, much) more recent upstream version
very soon.

Apologies again, and thanks for the patience to you both (and anyone
else who might be listening in)!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org pe...@packetscale.com
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