Dear Bart,

On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 19:08:18 +0000, Bart Martens <> wrote:
> Hi Nanakos,
> I had a look at mpg321 at mentors uploaded there on 2012-08-27 09:13.
> It is not clear to me on bug 685679 what you mean with "does not perform
> very
> well" and "not very stable".  I don't see how this makes "mpg321
> and
> how it would "break other applications".  Please explain on the bug
> what's wrong and why you believe that disabling the -b option (actually
> making
> mpg321 silently ignore the -b option) would be the best approach in this
> context.

I don't know if you have noticed an abnormal behavior when trying to use
the -b option but occasionally mpg321 crashes, stops playing the song,
plays the song
without syncing with the second process that outputs the song or the
reverse. Never starts
playing an mp3 file or crashes when someone tries to play a file that is
not an mp3. All those situations
does not happen when you are not using -b option. I am trying to solve the
problem but I haven't figured
where the fault is. So I prefer to silently as you say ignore the -b
option and preserve the package
in the previous state, so to provide a stable version that won't make
problems to users or other packages
that try or might use this new feature. 

> If the -b option does nothing then the manpage could be modified to
> that.

I will fix that and re-upload the package.

> The entries 0.3.2-2 and 0.3.2-1.1 in debian/changelog have lines with
> leading space too many.

Haven't noticed that, I will fix it.

> The uncommenting of dh_testroot in debian/rules is not mentioned in
> debian/changelog.

I will fix that also.


> Regards,
> Bart Martens

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