Hi Alexander,

On 18.09.2012 00:02, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something, but I can find ipset-source only in stable:
> tolimar@franck:~$ dak ls -S ipset-source 
> ipset-source |    2.5.0-1 |        stable | all

there appears to be an arch:all package in Sid at that version. At
least, that's what [1] suggests. That said, I cannot find it in the
Packages.gz file on mirrors either. This looks weird to me, maybe you
can help me, to tell what's going on here.

Could it be, the packages.d.o site lists an obsolete arch:all package
from a Debian port?

[1] http://packages.debian.org/sid/ipset-source

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
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