Le mer 2005-10-12 a 16:33:39 -0400, Kari Pahula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> tags 333049 + moreinfo
> thank you
> On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 09:14:17PM -0400, Simon Raven wrote:
> > strace of gcfclient shows it doing strange things when allocatin some
> > stuff to IPC (sorry for the vagueness, not very familiar with IPC
> > internals).
> When does this crash happen?  What did you do?  How did you run gcfclient?

every time i try to start up the program. just run it. both run it from the 
and a terminal (uxterm).

happens both on PPC and x86. both running sid, both with standard
installs of everything relevant. the x86 box is a fairly new install
(under 6-8 months).

> Lacking that information, I assume you see this segfault every time you
> start gcfclient.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your POV) I
> don't see anything out of ordinary happen when I start gcfclient myself.
> Moreover, gcfclient itself does no IPC, those are all happening within
> GTK+.  I'm afraid the included strace output doesn't point to any easily
> discernible location in gcfclient proper.  I'd ask for a gdb stack trace
> but that's not that useful with stripped binaries.  Could you compile
> gcfclient from source with -g and see if you'd still see this bug?

sure. ASAP.

> Are other GTK+ programs working correctly on your system?

gtk2 are running ok, gtk1 also. switch and some other stuff run ok. 

"... being a Linux user is sort of like living in a house inhabited
by a large family of carpenters and architects. Every morning when
you wake up, the house is a little different. Maybe there is a new
turret, or some walls have moved. Or perhaps someone has temporarily
removed the floor under your bed."    -- Unix for Dummies, 2nd Edition

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