I have read your comment about the "preedit" concept but it doesn't seem
to work,
at least on my system using xfce4.

Choosing input method zh-pinyin (m17n) and for example typing ai1, no
underlined text
I tried zh-pinyin input in mousepad, gedit and kate editors, no preedit is
shown and
ctrl+alt+p doesn't open an input window.
Trying input in xterm too doesn't open an input window.

These are the packages I have installed: fcitx v.4.2.5 from
fcitx-libs, fcitx-bin, fcitx-data, fcitx-config-common, fcitx-config-gtk,
fcitx-frontend-gtk2, fcitx-frontend-gtk3, fcitx-modules (core modules),
fcitx-module-dbus,fcitx-module-lua, fcitx-module-x11, fcitx-table,
fcitx-tools, fcitx-ui-classic, fcitx-pinyin, fcitx-sunpinyin,
fcitx-googlepinyin, fcitx-m17n.

Could some package be missing?

Using fcitx-pinyin, fcitx-sunpinyin or fcitx-googlepinyin woks, opening an
input window
but ctrl+alt+p doesn't show preedited text.

Attachment: fcitx-config
Description: Binary data

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