fre 2012-09-21 klockan 01:05 +0200 skrev Christoph Anton Mitterer:
> Can't one just dynamically load the desired library?

It is not so easy to do.

There exist some instructions on the net for using a modified version of
the mechglue library to implement support for both kerberos and gsi in
the same openssh binary, but this approach is far less tested than the
proposed solution of having two different binaries. The mechglue
solution is also much more complicated to configure - and it introduces
additional configuration that is currently not needed also in order to
support the already available kerberos authentication. The instructions
for the mechglue solution explicitly advises against using it for client
installations but instead use separate binaries for kerberos and gsi.

Using two different binaries is far more simpler, more well tested and
less invasive to existing installations.

Having two different packages is also the solution implemented in


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