On 2012-09-26, Stefan Fiel wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> Thank you very much for contacting us. We would be glad to have an 
> official Debian package. Your help with the packaging would be 
> appreciated since we do not have enough experience in making a correct 
> package :)

Awesome! You already seem to have done a pretty good job out there!

> Since there are upcoming features for the next releases (like making HDR 
> images (see our GSoC project)) which are requiring more libs, we are 
> currently thinking about splitting up the package to reduce the 
> dependencies for those who just want a simple image viewer. We don't 
> know if this is desirable for packages in Debian and we are also not 
> sure about the correct way of doing this. Would be great if you can give 
> us some advices.

This is fine in Debian. Take for example the Nginx packages:


you have nginx, nginx-light, nginx-extra, nginx-full, which are all
compiled with different flags, and "conflict" with each other - so that
they can provide the same binary and you need to choose the one you

I am not sure how they do that in the source package, we would need to
look at it. But basically, you, as upstream, just need to provide
./configure flags (or similar). Ideally, a single compile process could
generate all binaries so that it makes everything shorter, but it can
probably be done otherwise (again, probably how nginx works).

i can look into this further if you're interested, but otherwise here's
the git repository for the Nginx debian package:


Let me know if you need any help. I may take some time to adapt the
package from the PPA and upload it straight into Debian.

I can either keep you as a maintainer, which will make you responsible
for answering bug reports filed against the package and so on. To upload
the package, you will need a sponsor (I would be happy to do that)
unless you do not go through the "Debian Maintainer" process. :)

The alternative is that I mark myself as the maintainer and upload the
packages when you guys make a relase. I would prefer having you as a
maintainer and help you with only the uploads, however, as I am not sure
I will be using the software in the long run - I just discovered it. :)

Good luck,


Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug it.
                        - Brian W. Kernighan

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