Yes, the version at Google Web Fonts is more recent and should be
considered the definitive one.

Note also that there's a bold there now. This will be a significant
advantage to people who have bold styling as part of their syntax

I really need to update my website but I'm kind of buried in work and other
things right now.

Hope this helps,


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 6:30 AM, erok <> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> >
> > Still, I'd be happy to package this new upstream version....if only I
> > could find a place to download it.
> Try google web fonts:
> - Search for "Inconsolata"
> - Check both styles and click "Add to Collection"
> - Click "Download Your Collection"
> This should give you 1.011. At least that's what the .ttf tells me.
> cheers,
>   erik

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