Dear Thomas,

Am Sonntag, den 23.09.2012, 16:40 +0200 schrieb Paul Menzel:

> Am Sonntag, den 23.09.2012, 13:03 +0200 schrieb Thomas Schmitt:


> > Another way to exercise DVD-R is to use DVD-RW. They need to get
> > blanked before re-use. E.g. by
> >   xorriso -outdev /dev/sr1 -blank deformat -eject all
> > This lasts as long as writing the full capacity of 4.7 GB.
> > (Fast blanking is possible but the DVD-RW would afterwards refuse
> >  to perform the write type Incremental which is used by Brasero.)
> > 
> > 
> > Some numbers from your reports are against my theory of a missing
> > start piece:
> > 
> > libisofs reported:
> >     brasero (libisofs)DEBUG : Processed 2119108 of 2119108 KB (100 %)
> > 
> > dvd+rw-mediainfo and xorriso -toc report a track size of
> >     1059568*2KB
> > 
> > The overall sizeis of image and track would match.
> >     2 * 1059568 - 2119108 = 28
> > The track size is aligned to a DVD ECC block of 32 KiB.
> > 
> > The track was written by write type Incremental. I.e. it
> > is supposed to bear only the bytes which were actually written,
> > rounded up to the next multiple of 16 blocks (= 32 KiB).
> > 
> > If a start piece of the image would be missing, then the track
> > would have to be shorter.
> > 
> > Grrrrr.
> That really is strange.


> > > Everything worked fine with `xorriso`.
> > >
> > >         $ xorriso -md5 on -outdev /dev/sr1 -map ~/test /
> > 
> > Well ... Yay and Grrrr at the same time.
> > Yay for xorriso and the drive, Grrr for my inability to explain what
> > went wrong with the Brsaero DVD-R.
> Grrr³ from my side to not understanding anything. ;-)

Thanks to Michael Biebl stepping up and looking into it, in
#debian-gnome he wrote to have bisected this issue to commit upstream
commit 5ff86b48 [1] which supposedly fixes GNOME bug 630651 [2]. Though,
judging from this, it looks like the ISO image creation problem then. As
this is done on the fly the created ISO image cannot be checked, right?

He uploaded packages for testing with one more patch applied [3][4].

I am going to try those as soon as possible.




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