On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 01:26:16PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> After logging in using chromium I receive a "Loading, please wait..." and then
> an alert window with the following content:
> Exception: TypeError: Object function (_37d,_37e){var 
> _37f=on(_37d,"keydown",function(evt){var k=evt.keyCode;var 
> _380=(k!=13||(has("ie")>=9&&!has("quirks")))&&k!=32&&(k!=27||!has("ie"))&&(k<48||k>90)&&(k<96||k>111)&&(k<186||k>192)&&(k<219||k>222)&&k!=229;if(_380||evt.ctrlKey){var
>  c=_380?0:k;if(evt.ctrlKey){if(k==3||k==13){return 
> _37e.call(evt.currentTarget,evt);}else{if(c>95&&c<106){c-=48;}else{if((!evt.shiftKey)&&(c>=65&&c<=90)){c+=32;}else{c=_377[c]||c;}}}}var
> faux=_379(evt,{type:"keypress",faux:true,charCode:c});_37e.call(evt.currentTarget,faux);if(has("ie")){_37c(evt,faux.keyCode);}}});var
>  _381=on(_37d,"keypress",function(evt){var 
> c=evt.charCode;c=c>=32?c:0;evt=_379(evt,{charCode:c,faux:true});return 
> _37e.call(this,evt);});return 
> {remove:function(){_37f.remove();_381.remove();}};} has no method 'include'
> Function: init()
> With iceweasel the alert window has the following content instead:
> Exception: TypeError, eventName.include is not a function
> Function: init()
> Location: prototype.js:5566
> The actual exception occurs some where deep inside dojo.parser.parse() as
> called from init() provided by js/tt-rss.js.
> The function dumped by chromium is the crippled version of the function
> assigned to the keypress variable in dojo.js.
> Any idea what might be causing this?

You should check if the PHP option "display_errors" is disabled for


-- Sebastian

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