Package: perl
Version: 5.14.2-14
Severity: minor

Quoting Ronald J Kimball  in the discussion at

> seems to be stagnant, and many of the links are broken.
> and no longer exist.

Also, the "/d", "/l", "/u", and "/a" regexp modifiers
introduced in 5.14 are missing.

These and other issues are fixed in 5.14.3 by the attached doc-only patch.
Niko Tyni
>From ab0ae0ad72e5601626d0b408edd884d7bd14d7dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "H.Merijn Brand" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 20:12:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update PerlCheat to 5.14

 pod/perlcheat.pod |  118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pod/perlcheat.pod b/pod/perlcheat.pod
index d210fa0..deee2fe 100644
--- a/pod/perlcheat.pod
+++ b/pod/perlcheat.pod
@@ -10,68 +10,70 @@ already be overwhelming.
 =head2 The sheet
-  CONTEXTS  SIGILS             ARRAYS        HASHES
-  void      $scalar   whole:   @array        %hash
-  scalar    @array    slice:   @array[0, 2]  @hash{'a', 'b'}
-  list      %hash     element: $array[0]     $hash{'a'}
-            &sub
-            *glob    SCALAR VALUES
-                     number, string, reference, glob, undef
+  CONTEXTS  SIGILS  ref        ARRAYS        HASHES
+  void      $scalar SCALAR     @array        %hash
+  scalar    @array  ARRAY      @array[0, 2]  @hash{'a', 'b'}
+  list      %hash   HASH       $array[0]     $hash{'a'}
+            &sub    CODE
+            *glob   GLOB       SCALAR VALUES
+                    FORMAT     number, string, ref, glob, undef
-  \     references      $$foo[1]       aka $foo->[1]
-  $@%&* dereference     $$foo{bar}     aka $foo->{bar}
-  []    anon. arrayref  ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1]->[2]
-  {}    anon. hashref   ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1][2]
-  \()   list of refs
-                          NUMBERS vs STRINGS  LINKS
-  OPERATOR PRECEDENCE     =          =
-  ->                      +          .
-  ++ --                   == !=      eq ne
-  **                      < > <= >=  lt gt le ge
-  ! ~ \ u+ u-             <=>        cmp 
-  =~ !~                                  
-  * / % x                 SYNTAX
-  + - .                   for    (LIST) { }, for (a;b;c) { }
-  << >>                   while  ( ) { }, until ( ) { }
-  named uops              if     ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { }
-  < > <= >= lt gt le ge   unless ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { }
-  == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~  for equals foreach (ALWAYS)
+  \      reference       $$foo[1]       aka $foo->[1]
+  $@%&*  dereference     $$foo{bar}     aka $foo->{bar}
+  []     anon. arrayref  ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1]->[2]
+  {}     anon. hashref   ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1][2]
+  \()    list of refs
+                         NUMBERS vs STRINGS    LINKS
+  OPERATOR PRECEDENCE    =          =
+  ->                     +          . 
+  ++ --                  == !=      eq ne    
+  **                     < > <= >=  lt gt le ge
+  ! ~ \ u+ u-            <=>        cmp      
+  =~ !~                                 
+  * / % x                SYNTAX
+  + - .                  foreach (LIST) { }     for (a;b;c) { }
+  << >>                  while   (e) { }        until (e)   { }
+  named uops             if      (e) { } elsif (e) { } else { }
+  < > <= >= lt gt le ge  unless  (e) { } elsif (e) { } else { }
+  == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~ given   (e) { when (e) {} default {} }
-  | ^              REGEX METACHARS            REGEX MODIFIERS
-  &&               ^     string begin         /i case insens.
-  || //            $     str. end (before \n) /m line based ^$
-  .. ...           +     one or more          /s . includes \n
-  ?:               *     zero or more         /x ign.
-  = += -= *= etc.  ?     zero or one          /g global
-  , =>             {3,7} repeat in range      /o cmpl pat. once
-  list ops         ()    capture
-  not              (?:)  no capture       REGEX CHARCLASSES
-  and              []    character class  .  == [^\n]
-  or xor           |     alternation      \s == whitespace
-                   \b    word boundary    \w == word characters
-                   \z    string end       \d == digits
-  DO                                      \S, \W and \D negate
-  use strict;        DON'T
-  use warnings;      "$foo"           LINKS
-  my $var;           $$variable_name
-  open() or die $!;  `$userinput`
-  use Modules;       /$userinput/
+  | ^             REGEX METACHARS          REGEX MODIFIERS
+  &&              ^      string begin      /i case insensitive
+  || //           $      str end (bfr \n)  /m line based ^$
+  .. ...          +      one or more       /s . includes \n
+  ?:              *      zero or more      /x ignore
+  = += -= *= etc  ?      zero or one       /p preserve
+  , =>            {3,7}  repeat in range   /a ASCII    /aa safe
+  list ops        |      alternation       /l locale   /d  dual
+  not             []     character class   /u Unicode
+  and             \b     word boundary     /e evaluate /ee rpts
+  or xor          \z     string end        /g global
+                  ()     capture           /o compile pat once
+  DEBUG           (?:p)  no capture
+   -MO=Deparse    (?#t)  comment           REGEX CHARCLASSES
+   -MO=Terse      (?=p)  ZW pos ahead      .   [^\n]
+   -D##           (?!p)  ZW neg ahead      \s  whitespace
+   -d:Trace       (?<=p) ZW pos behind \K  \w  word chars
+                  (?<!p) ZW neg behind     \d  digits
+  CONFIGURATION   (?>p)  no backtrack      \pP named property
+  perl -V:ivsize  (?|p|p)branch reset      \h
+                  (?&NM) cap to name       \R  linebreak
+                                           \S \W \D \H negate
   stat      localtime    caller         SPECIAL VARIABLES
-   0 dev    0 second     0 package      $_    default variable
-   1 ino    1 minute     1 filename     $0    program name
-   2 mode   2 hour       2 line         $/    input separator
-   3 nlink  3 day        3 subroutine   $\    output separator
-   4 uid    4 month-1    4 hasargs      $|    autoflush
-   5 gid    5 year-1900  5 wantarray    $!    sys/libcall error
-   6 rdev   6 weekday    6 evaltext     $@    eval error
-   7 size   7 yearday    7 is_require   $$    process ID
-   8 atime  8 is_dst     8 hints        $.    line number
-   9 mtime               9 bitmask      @ARGV command line args
-  10 ctime  just use                    @INC  include paths
-  11 blksz  POSIX::      3..9 only      @_    subroutine args
-  12 blcks  strftime!    with EXPR      %ENV  environment
+   0 dev    0 second      0 package     $_    default variable
+   1 ino    1 minute      1 filename    $0    program name
+   2 mode   2 hour        2 line        $/    input separator
+   3 nlink  3 day         3 subroutine  $\    output separator
+   4 uid    4 month-1     4 hasargs     $|    autoflush
+   5 gid    5 year-1900   5 wantarray   $!    sys/libcall error
+   6 rdev   6 weekday     6 evaltext    $@    eval error
+   7 size   7 yearday     7 is_require  $$    process ID
+   8 atime  8 is_dst      8 hints       $.    line number
+   9 mtime                9 bitmask     @ARGV command line args
+  10 ctime               10 hinthash    @INC  include paths
+  11 blksz               3..10 only     @_    subroutine args
+  12 blcks               with EXPR      %ENV  environment

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