On 01.11.2012 14:29, Stefan Nagy wrote:
> I'll attach the output of 'upower --dump' for three different
> situations:
> 1. Shortly before my notebook battery drains: Note that the reported
> battery percentage is 2.99967%, time to empty is 12.1 minutes. I have
> seen the exact same values over a period of more than 10 minutes – those
> are the lowest values I get, at this point they won't change anymore.
> At the same time 'acpi -b' reports a battery percentage of 2%.
> 2. Shortly after I connected the power supply and booted up: Note that
> now the reported values are really strange now. Not only battery
> percentage is 0% but also energy-full and energy-full-design is 0 Wh.
> 'acpi -b' also reports a battery percentage of 0%.
> 3. A few minutes later (still charging): Values seem to be back to
> normal.
> Please have a look at the output of 'gsettings list-recursively
> org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' in comment #15, setting:
> 'percentage-action 2'. I assume this means that critical battery action
> should be fired at a battery percentage of 2%.
> As I said before, 'upower --dump' will never report a lower battery
> percentage than 2.99967%. Maybe this is why the critical battery action
> isn't executed?
> I'll try to manipulate this value and report back later.

upower uses a different interface to query the battery state then e.g. acpi.
upower uses the sysfs interface, which you can check manually.
If those values are incorrect, this might either be an indication fro
broken hardware or the kernel/acpi driver reporting incorrect values.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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