On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 12:10:54PM +1300, Olly Betts wrote:
> Patch attached.  I'm happy to NMU a fix (at least assuming I can work
> around #692073), so let me know if you'd like me to.

And again I failed to attach it.  Here it is.

--- a/src/xlsparse.c	2012-11-02 11:52:45.000000000 +1300
+++ b/src/xlsparse.c	2012-11-01 15:11:12.000000000 +1300
@@ -589,8 +589,8 @@
 void CleanUpFormatIdxUsed() {
 	int i;
-	for (i=0;i<NUMOFDATEFORMATS; i++)
-		FormatIdxUsed[i]=0;
+	for (i=0;i<NUMOFDATEFORMATS; i++);
+	FormatIdxUsed[i]=0;

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