On Mon, 2012-11-05 at 20:30 +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 05-11-12 12:59, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> >> Next (errors?):
> >> invalid Package Link: file
> >> "/usr/lib/lazarus/" does not
> >> exist.
> > These are real bugs, I have a bug open in upstream Mantis BTS and will
> > resolve it soon. As I said, .lpk files are not sources but part of LCL
> > binary packages.
> Could you please provide the upstream bug number here, I could not
> locate it?
UpstreamBug#21272: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21272

> > Same as above, will be fixed soon (you may want to create a bug for
> > these and refer to upstream bug)
> Or just use this bug for tracking that? We could just retitle this bug
> to something about these bugs?
Yes, we can retitle it and connect it with upstream bug

> > These will not fixed soon due to low priority and freeze. Also A new FPC
> > and Lazarus upstream versions are being prepared and I'd not fix those
> > bugs before I get the new versions in sid. So I'd expect to have them
> > not before a few months.
> Fair enough.

> >> I can see your point. However, in that case it would be a nice-to-have
> >> to avoid the above mentioned errors/warnings.
> > I'd prefer to keep them, so a newbe who tried to play with minimizing
> > installation can understand that he is missing some installation parts
> > and can fix them before concluding that Lazarus is a sheet piece of code.
> The warning is fine, especially because you already said that the others
> are valid bugs. So in the end I expect only one warning to remain, right?

> >> No problem. I don't have problems doing that. Do I read correctly here
> >> that you would also not consider packaging lazarus 1.0 in experimental
> >> to help Ubuntu have that in their next release?
> > I've tarted packaging Lazarus 1.0 in local git branch and eve pushed
> > parts to the upstream trunk. Some other fixes are still in my git branch
> > and not pushed yet. I'll package Lazarus 1.0 after wheezy, but if you
> > are interested, I can create a branch 1.0 on bollin (VCS server for FPC
> > and Lazarus Debian packaging) and you can use it for Ubuntu.
> Please do, I will see if I can take it from there than.
I'll create a branch and ping you, but this week FPC is publishing
2.6.2rc1 and this takes me too much time. Probably next week should be


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