On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 19:44:19 -0800
Jon Foster <j...@jfpossibilities.com> wrote:

> "Drag and drop" function don't appear to work in programs running under
> vnc4server. Specifically dragging files around in rox-filer either within the
> same window or from window to window or window to pinboard fails to do
> anything. The file(s) "fly back" to where they came from. The mouse pointer
> never changes to show the action that should take place. I've seen other
> reports of this on the Internet going back to 2010, specifically in Ubuntu.
> Actually moving and resizing windows on screen works fine... although that
> doesn't classify as a drag-and-drop operation to me. I've had this problem
> under OpenBox and E16 window managers. The same program works fine under
> xserver-xorg.
> I did try rolling back to the Lenny version and had the same problem, which
> works fine when running on Lenny instead of Squeeze.


From what I could understand this was due to a bug in some other package, not
in vnc4server. Please see 

Drag-and-drop in vnc4server works fine in the current Debian Wheezy.

With respect,

"Stallman had a printer,
with code he could not see.
So he began to tinker,
and set the software free."

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