
Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org> (Mi 07 Nov 2012 09:24:54 CET):
> On Tue,  6 Nov 2012 22:50, h...@schlittermann.de said:
> > Before I started exploring how to run full tests … what is the supposed
> > procedure?

Ah, I thought there is some more extensive testing procedure.

> > I just built the stable-2-0 branch and installed it (->
> > /usr/local/stow/gpg -> /usr/local/)
> Modulo the problems with the "dir" file, I suppose ;-)
Yes, but it's resolvable using rm :)
> > I'm able to decrypt a message crypted with my 4096bit key.
> Great.  Thus I consider this bug resolved.


> Is there still time to do get a new release into Wheezy? 
This I can't answer, it depends on Yves-Alexis, I think.

> > The master branch I didn't test yet. I'll give you a notice as soon as I
> > did.
> There are still card related issues in master.  Thus I don't consider
> this test very important.

Meanwhile I gave it a try, but wasn't successful. Could be because of
some interferences with the installed 2.0, or some scdaemon was still
running, or because it just didn't work. So I'll stop investing time into the
master branch?

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
 gnupg encrypted messages are welcome --------------- key ID: 7CBF764A -
 gnupg fingerprint: 9288 F17D BBF9 9625 5ABC  285C 26A9 687E 7CBF 764A -
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