Control: retitle -1 Cannot build text with footnotes when using l10

Attached updated patch that is based on first one and

Does it look better?

Dmitry Shachnev
=== modified file 'sphinx/'
--- sphinx/	2012-03-12 12:18:37 +0000
+++ sphinx/	2012-11-23 14:18:39 +0000
@@ -213,16 +213,30 @@
         parser = RSTParser()
         for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
-            patch = new_document(source, settings)
             msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
             # XXX add marker to untranslated parts
             if not msgstr or msgstr == msg: # as-of-yet untranslated
+            patch = new_document(source, settings)
             parser.parse(msgstr, patch)
             patch = patch[0]
             # XXX doctest and other block markup
             if not isinstance(patch, nodes.paragraph):
                 continue # skip for now
+            footnote_refs = [r for r in node.children
+                             if isinstance(r, nodes.footnote_reference)
+                             and r.get('auto') == 1]
+            for i, child in enumerate(patch.children): # update leaves
+                if isinstance(child, nodes.footnote_reference) \
+                   and child.get('auto') == 1:
+                    # use original 'footnote_reference' object.
+                    # this object already registered in self.document.autofootnote_refs
+                    patch.children[i] = footnote_refs.pop(0)
+                    # Some duplicated footnote_reference in msgstr causes
+                    # IndexError by .pop(0). That is invalid msgstr.
             for child in patch.children: # update leaves
                 child.parent = node
             node.children = patch.children

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