>> $ grep Theme= /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc
>> Theme=/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/joy
> This shouldn't be there. Did you manually change this?
> It should be "Theme=@@@ToBeReplacedByDesktopBase@@@".

I am not sure that you call "manually". I do not use text editor to change
that theme, but use standard program "KDE System Settings". And it updates
related configuration files.

Do you think this bug should be reassigned to package systemsettings?

I still believe that KDM should check if current theme exist. If it is not
found KDM may be launched with default theme. Any objections?

But now KDM just fails to run with a message that theme is not exist. And user
should repair his system from command line. It is not hard, but it can be

> It seems, that you have the debian-edu-artwork package installed, maybe
> the issue is realated to the squeeze version of it?

Yes I used themes from Debian Edu some time ago. But new theme Joy looks better
and it is selected now. But this is far from the topic above.

> That would explain why this bugreport has not been filed earlier.

This does not explain why bug can be reproduced in clean install. There was
no package debian-edu-artwork there.


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