Christian Felsing wrote:

> problem still persists. It happens, if Asterisk is restarted. This
> Asterisk has chan_dongle-1.1.r10 installed, which provides
> connectivity to a mobile provider.

Thanks, good to know.

Am I correct in guessing that 3.2.y from wheezy, sid, or
squeeze-backports is not affected?  The only packages from outside
squeeze that should be needed for this test except for the kernel
image itself are linux-base and initramfs-tools.

If that's works, please do test the patch[1] Ben suggested, like so:

 0. preparation
        apt-get build-dep linux-2.6; # as root
        apt-get install devscripts; # as root
        apt-get source linux-2.6/squeeze
        cd linux-2.6-<version>

 1. disable debuginfo
        sed -i -e '/686_image-dbg/, /^$/ d' \

 2. patch and build
        # optionally with -j <num> for parallel build
        bash debian/bin/test-patches -f 686 -s openvz /path/to/patch;

 3. install and test
        dpkg -i ../<name of package>; # as root



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