retitle 690847 patch for RTL issues

Hi Alex,

Alle venerdì 30 novembre 2012, alex bodnaru ha scritto:
> i've fixed and improved some issues related to rtl support. other on
> the way.

> right, although upstream like the patches, they will be applied to
> their unstable tip.

Which bugs does this patch fix? Can you please point me to upstream 

> untill that tip will be stable, i'll submit them on debian too.

It is way too late to introduce new dependencies now for Wheezy; after 
that, there will be plently of time for updating Poppler, so having them 
applied to Poppler 0.22 or 0.24 should have a good chance to have to be 
part of Jessie (the stable release after Wheezy).

Pino Toscano

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