This is the current text of the options for #688772. I'd like to vote
on this before the 9th if at all possible. If anyone has any comments,
changes, or would like to propose different options, please do so now.

=== START ===

1. The TC notes the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to
   implement the TC decision in #681834 by:
    (a) softening the dependency in the gnome-core metapackage
        from Depends to Recommends, as required
    (b) adding a new dependency in the gnome metapackage,
        as a Depends.  (In squeeze, this is where the dependency
        was, but it was a Recommends.)

2. Our intent, as stated in the rationale section of our previous
   decision (#681834, paras 3 and 5), is that squeeze users who have
   gnome installed but not network-manager do not find that
   network-manager becomes installed when they upgrade to wheezy.

3. A Recommends from gnome to network-manager-gnome would serve no
   purpose in wheezy as gnome Depends on gnome-core which already
   Recommends network-manager-gnome.


A 4. We overrule the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to add a
A    dependency from gnome to network-manager-gnome; this dependency
A    should be removed for the release of wheezy.

B 4. We overrule the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to add a
B    dependency from gnome to network-manager-gnome; this dependency
B    should be removed. If in the opinion of the NM maintainer (and
B    before the release of wheezy the Release Managers) the concerns
B    raised in ยง4 of the CTTE decision #681834 have been addressed
B    through technical means (e.g. by preventing the starting of NM as
B    discussed in #688772), the meta-gnome maintainers may freely
B    adjust the dependencies as usual.
B    Specifically, valid bugs where existing valid network
B    configurations are broken by the automatic, required installation
B    on system upgrade of packages not previously installed which
B    perform network configuration on should have severity serious.

5. We request that the Release Team unblock update(s) to meta-gnome so
   that our decisions may be implemented in wheezy.

6. We request that a release note is created explaining that gnome
   users who do not currently have NM installed consider installing

=== END ===

Don Armstrong

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies [...] a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those
who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending
money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of
its scientists, the hopes of its children. [...] This is not a way of
life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it
is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. [...] [I]s there no other
way the world may live?
 -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, April 16, 1953    

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