Package: pidgin-themes
Version: 0.2-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n patch

The package description for pidgin-themes is in pidgin-English.

# Package: pidgin-themes
# Architecture: all
# Depends: pidgin

(I don't see why this needs to be any stronger than "Suggests", but
I'll leave it.)

# Description: Smiley themes collection for pidgin

Mostly okay.  DevRef recommends not capitalising the first word as if
the synopsis was a sentence, and on the other hand, there's a good
argument for capitalising Pidgin (meaning the app, not the Debian
package), but I wouldn't bother if I wasn't already editing it.

#  This package provides few differents smiley theme for Pidgin

Non-native-speakerish misuse of "few" for "a few, several"; distinctly
franglais mis-pluralised "differents", and compensatory unpluralised
"theme"; missing punctuation.

There's no need to say the themes are different anyway; what would be
the point of a collection of identical themes?  And to help people
who are searching with the wrong keywords, I would recommend not
just repeating the words "smiley theme"; instead you could talk
about "some alternative sets of emoticons".  Here in the long
description there's also room for a couple of words to explain what
Pidgin is for readers who don't happen to know.

#  They have been downloaded from

Subtly non-native-speakerish present-perfect construction; out-of-date
URL (it now redirects to, which shows no sign of
hosting any downloadable themes).

#  and from

Mildly redundant preposition; mildly out-of-date URL (it shouldn't
start with "www.", but at least the site does still host Pidgin smiley
themes); missing punctuation.

My revised version guesses that most of the themes come from
gnome-look; I would have hoped I'd be able to check this by reading
the Copyright file, but that just gives a single list of upstream

#  It includes only free themes.

This paragraph is redundant; it's in Debian main, so users are
entitled to take it for granted that it's 100% DFSG-free.

#  .
#  Homepage:

There's already a bugreport (#615239) to say that this should be a
Homepage: field in the source stanza instead of a pseudoheader; but isn't in any particularly clear sense the home
page for gaim-themes anyway.  If there's a generic home for themes
for Pidgin, I would have guessed it was

My proposed revised version:

  Package: pidgin-themes
  Architecture: all
  Depends: pidgin
  Description: smiley themes collection for Pidgin
   This package provides some alternative sets of emoticons for the Pidgin
   instant messaging client, mostly downloaded from

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru gaim-themes-0.2.pristine/debian/control gaim-themes-0.2/debian/control
--- gaim-themes-0.2.pristine/debian/control	2012-12-06 15:50:33.000000000 +0000
+++ gaim-themes-0.2/debian/control	2012-12-06 17:16:48.823046355 +0000
@@ -8,14 +8,10 @@
 Package: pidgin-themes
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pidgin
-Description: Smiley themes collection for pidgin
- This package provides few differents smiley theme for Pidgin
- They have been downloaded from
- and from
- It includes only free themes.
- .
- Homepage:
+Description: smiley themes collection for Pidgin
+ This package provides some alternative sets of emoticons for the Pidgin
+ instant messaging client, mostly downloaded from
 Package: gaim-themes
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pidgin-themes

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