Ah, I understand. Thanks for the clarification. If I get it, the virtual
package is supposed to transparently handle multiarch once it's been

I still think that cases where people install the i386 virtual package
might occur, so it would be good to not have this weird situation.


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Dominik George <n...@naturalnet.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> severity 695239 important
> reassign 695239 wine 1.4.1-1
> retitle 695239 wine meta-package is not multiarch
> kthxbye
> Hi,
> this bug is in the wine metapackage rather than in winetricks. I also
> think it is not grave because what you did is not what the average user
> does. The wine:amd64 package will pull in i386 dependencies even if not
> specifically requested, so doing apt-get install wine rather than
> wine:i386 in the first place does the trick.
> Cheers,
> Nik
> - --
> * mirabilos is handling my post-1990 smartphone *
> <mirabilos> Aaah, it vibrates! Wherefor art thou, daemonic device??
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