On Mon, 19 Nov 2012 19:43:22 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> On 2012-11-18 12:17:12, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Nov 2012 11:48:18 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > > so I'd be great if you could check that the issues is
> > > fixed in 1.0.7-1. They should appear on a mirror near you soon.
> > 
> > Indeed it would be great if I could...
> > Unfortunately, I am currently experiencing some personal issues and
> > hence I don't know when this can actually happen.   :-(
> > 
> > Make no mistake: I really appreciate what you've done for this bug so
> > far, but, please do not count on a quick feedback from me.
> > Sorry.   :-(
> Sure, n problem. I hope that you can sort out all your problems.

Hello Sebastian,
I've finally found the time to test gnome-mplayer/1.0.7-2 from

I performed the following upgrade:

[REMOVE, NOT USED] libgmtk0:amd64
[REMOVE, NOT USED] libgmtk0-data:amd64
[INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] libgmlib1:amd64
[INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] libgmtk1:amd64
[INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] libgmtk1-data:amd64
[UPGRADE] gnome-mplayer:amd64 1.0.6-1 -> 1.0.7-2

and tested with a number of videos.

It really seems that the bug has been fixed by the upstream developers,
as you said.
I think you can mark this bug as fixed in version
gnome-mplayer/1.0.7-2 ...

Thanks a lot for taking care of this bug report!
Now I am looking forward to seeing this new upstream version uploaded
to unstable (to the extent that this does not interfere with your plans
for the remaining part of the wheezy freeze...).

Bye and thanks again.

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