This wishlist item may be more important than it seems as the bug also breaks the w3m text browser. More than once, I've left a huge download running and came back to find nothing but a list of files splatted to my screen.
It just doesn't make sense that Debian's default method of handling archives is to show the table of contents and then discard the contents. Fortunately, a quick fix (at least for w3m) is easy. One can comment out the broken lines in /etc/mailcap: # It is better to not pretend to know how to deal with archives. #application/x-tar; /bin/tar tvf -; print=/bin/tar tvf - | print text/plain:-; copiousoutput #application/x-gtar; /bin/tar tvzf -; print=/bin/tar tvzf - | print text/plain:-; copiousoutput #application/zip; unzip -l '%s';; copiousoutput I'm sure there's a more correct fix, but I'd be surprised if this patch causes any problems. --Ben