On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 11:16:38PM +1300, Hugh Davenport wrote:

Hi! Sorry for the late reply.

> There is an extension to Brainfuck (as well as other esoterical
> languages)
> called EsoAPI (mentioned http://esolangs.org/wiki/EsoAPI, defined
> http://kidsquid. 99k .org/programs/esoapi/esoapi.html, example
> implemention http://esolangs.org/wiki/User:JayCampbell/weave.rb).

Didn't know about it. I like the fact that, unlike most specifications,
this one is so tiny one can actually understand it :)

> I've attached a patch to add support for this API to the beef source.
> I haven't yet done it for the version in experimental (1.0.0) yet.

I have taken a quick look at your patch and it seems completely

Unfortunately the standalone version of Beef is now considered legacy,
and no further development is supposed to happen there: all new features
have to be added to Cattle, where the Brainfuck runtime used by Beef is
actually implemented.

> You can test via the attache esoapi-hello.bf. Before the patch it will
> print "EsoAPI required\n", and after the patch will print "Hello
> World!\n"

Hello World aside, can you point out an actual use for this feature? I'm
having a hard time coming up with one myself ;)


Andrea Bolognani <e...@kiyuko.org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.

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