Hi all

I have committed an initial version of Bullet to our git repository and
wanted to share my thoughts on this library. There are still some
question marks, every feedback and advice is welcome.

First of all Bullet is a professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library and
it provides state of the art collision detection, soft body and rigid
body dynamics. It is very well maintained and supported by major
companies like AMD, Sony Entertainment or Apple and used in many well
known commercial titles like Shrek4, Megamind 3D, Disney's Cars 2 or Toy
Story 3 game. Of course there are some free software projects too which
can benefit from Bullet, namely Blender or FreeOrion. Dmitry has started
to work on FreeOrion and i intend to join in. I think that's a good
opportunity to test Bullet.

Where we stand


I had to repack the sources. You can obtain the dfsg compatible tarball
by using debian/rules get-orig-source. I needed to remove embedded
software like tinyxml, cppunit and glui which are already packaged and
some non-free files. I'm quite confident that i have found all of them
but four eyes see more than two.

The copyright file is complete. Please try to prove me wrong. ;-)

Bullet consists of four must have / core libraries, BulletCollison,
BulletDynamics, BulletSoftbody and LinearMath. It is also possible to
build 6 extra libraries: HACD, ConvexDecomposition, BulletFileLoader,
BulletWorldImporter, BulletXmlWorldImporter and GIMPACTUtils. I intend
to package all of them but not the Demos.

At the moment i have split Bullet in 14 binary packages. The already
mentioned 10 shared libraries, 2 dev-packages, libbullet-dev and
libbullet-extras-dev, one -dbg package and a -doc package.

I'm not sure whether this layout is the best approach, feedback and
advice is much appreciated. Policy says when in doubt splitting the
package is better and i think in the long run this might make it even
easier to react on certain issues.

Bullet's SONAME matches the release version hence i have named the
packages libbulletcollision2.81 and so on. I think we can expect a
different SONAME every new release. What is the best approach to find a
sane versioning scheme here?

Please have a look at TODO.Debian, i have made some remarks there.

Co-maintainers are always welcome!



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