On 01/19/2013 01:07 PM, Willi Mann wrote:
> What is unclear to me is if inline PGP messages are broken by design.
> Bug#698080 more looks like a regression that should be fixable, not an
> inherent problem of inline PGP. For attachments, enigmail per default
> asks how to send them.

i agree that #698080 is a fixable regression.  however, i don't think
inline-PGP is "broken by design" for non-ASCII any more than it is
"fixed by design" for non-ASCII.  there simply is no specification for
inline-PGP signatures of messages whose representation is anything but
the basic default (text/plain, charset=us-ascii, no special encoding):


As the specification above says, for environments that support MIME
(e.g. character-encoding: quoted printable or base64, charset something
other than US-ASCII, or content-type other than text/plain), there are
other standards to use -- in particular, PGP/MIME.

> As far as I understand from reading a few messages from the upstream
> mailing list, any possible default setting has the potential to cause
> highly controversial discussions.

yes, indeed.  :(

> I not very convinced about deviating from upstream. I could live with
> this change if it is acknowledged by upstream, and we treat it as an
> experimental change (documented in README.Debian) that we might decide
> to take back before the jessie freeze.

I'd be fine making it an experimental change, and documenting it in
README.Debian.  I confess i'm wary of plunging into another 100-message
thread on the upstream list, but i'm willing to post a short note there
if you think that's advisable.

Perhaps something like:

  With the goal of improving standards-based support for signed
  non-ASCII messages and signed messages with attachments, the Debian
  packaging for Enigmail is undertaking an experiment
  with setting the default to PGP/MIME in our experimental/unstable
  packaging.  We hope this will flush out reports of other places in
  the ecosystem where PGP/MIME might be suboptimal.  This change won't
  make it into our stable distribution of enigmail without further
  consideration and review of the reported bugs and places where
  PGP/MIME causes trouble for our experimental and unstable users.

what do you think?  I'm happy to write this message to upstream if you like.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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