Hi Florian,

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 01:16:53PM +0100, Florian Zieboll wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 10:33:08 +0100
> Ricardo Mones <mo...@debian.org> wrote:
> >   Sorry, but debug log is not useful, try to get the backtrace. You can
> > find some help on how to do it on these pages:
> > 
> >   http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace
> >   http://www.claws-mail.org/faq/index.php/Debugging_Claws
> Hallo Ricardo,
> perhaps I did not name it correctly - with claws-mail debugging symbols 
> installed, I ran
> $ gdb claws-mail
> > run --debug
> Attached you find the output of the same procedure with additionally 
> libcairo2-dbg and libpango1.0-0-dbg installed. If there are further 
> dbg-symbols useful to install, or other parameters to add, please let me know.

> claws-mail: 
> /build/buildd-cairo_1.12.2-2-i386-1cmzkR/cairo-1.12.2/src/cairo-surface.c:1591:
>  cairo_surface_set_device_offset: Assertion `status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS' 
> failed.
> Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
> 0xb7fe1430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

  That's the crash point, after that, at the gdb prompt it appears, you
have to instruct gdb to print the actual backtrace of the crash:

  BTW, claws-mail is multi-threaded.

  Ricardo Mones 
  Quantity derives from measurement, figures from quantities, 
  comparisons from figures, and victories from comparisons. 
                                                              Sun Tzu

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