This will happen when ibus-daemon is running while ibus-dconf not.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Aron Xu <> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Norbert Preining <> wrote:
>> On Sa, 09 Feb 2013, Aron Xu wrote:
>>> > But there are still three problems I see:
>>> > - when *left*clicking on the icon in the gnome top bar, a window pops up
>>> >   which has two part:
>>> >         upper part: configuration for the input method
>>> >         lower part: list of input methods
>>> >   now when I have INternational kbd selcted, the upper part is empty, of 
>>> > course.
>>> >   When I have ibus-mozc selected, the upper part shows two menu items
>>> >   which expand to sub menus, BUT: the text in in the FIRST menu is
>>> >   NOT visible. Screenshot attached.
>>> >
>>> Urh... Where's the screenshot?
>> Sorry, as usual ... now!
>>> > - separate input methods for separate windows feature seems to got lost
>>> >   I have the same input method for all windows
>>> >
>>> > - the ibus-mozc bar does not appear when I selected and activate the
>>> >   ibus-mozc input method. It showed the current settings, and access
>>> >   to settings etc
>>> >
>>> I would like to know what desktop environment are you using? This
>>> could be related to the ibus integration if you are using GNOME   ,
>>> IMHO.
>> Gnome3 from Debian/unstable.
> I think this could be related, ibus 1.4.x does nothing with GNOME ibus
> integration, but ibus 1.5.x does. I'll ask my partner to verify this.
This will happen when ibus-daemon is running while ibus-dconf not.
So to generate /etc/dconf/db/ibus in postinst can solve this problem.

For upstream, a better solution may be to read with glib api, write
with dconf-service.
> --
> Regards,
> Aron Xu
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