clone 700834 -1
severity -1 wishlist
retitle -1 Please allow to show/hide characters typed in password field
reassign -1 src:cdebconf

Hi Tim,

On 18/02/13 06:19, Tim Kissane wrote:
> Also, when choosing the ESSID and entering the passphrase, it appeared in 
> plain text.
> This would be better masked with *** by default, and an option given to 
> display it
> openly.

Well, an option to show/hide contents of all password fields is a
reasonable feature request.  It's been requested before, for
accessibility reasons, when using an awkward keyboard layout for example

As long as there's a show/hide option in the dialog, it won't matter any
more if the default for WLAN PSK's is to show or hide.

Personally I think some people will customise their WLAN PSK, and these
same people may use the same passphrase for 'everything', and would be
unhappy to see it displayed on-screen.

I'm opening a wishlist bug for this feature, but it's very unlikely it
could be implemented in time for the release of wheezy.

Steven Chamberlain

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