On 2013-02-22, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> Thank you Scott. However with or without removing of old data after import 
> Bitcoin-0.8.0 uses both cores of my CPU up to 100% all the time. 
> Interestingly 
> enough it hardly does any IO, just consumes a lot of CPU power.
> Without old ~/.bitcoin directory Bitcoin-0.8.0 do not use much CPU after full 
> synchronisation so there is a serious upgrade issue...

I didn't see such a regression, quite the opposite (ie. there is
negligible CPU usage in 0.8, while 0.7 hogs everything).

Maybe mining got turned on by mistake? :)

La nature n'a créé ni maîtres ni esclaves
Je ne veux ni donner ni recevoir de lois.
                        - Denis Diderot

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