Sebastian Ramacher <> writes:

> I'm unable to reproduce the segfault with 0.1.2-4 and 0.2.2-1 from
> experimental. However, I remember that we have fixed some segfaults in
> the poppler plugin in 0.2.x that were caused by race conditions and
> really unfortunate unfortunate timing of events. Could you please check
> if the segfault is gone in 0.2.2-1?
> Both pages in that PDF are quite large, so the high CPU usage is
> somewhat expected.

I can't seem to reproduce the segfault in 0.2.2-1, so in that respect I
suppose the problem is fixed.  However, I also can't get zathura to exit
when viewing the pdf in the experimental version; it ceased responding
to non-scroll input and loaded up the CPU.  Subjectively, up until I
lost response, the rendering took longer but the rest of the interface
(especially scrolling) was more responsive.

Since it appears the segfault is gone, what remains of my complaint is
performance, which is at best wishlist, following the garbage in garbage
out principle.  If you think there's nothing more to be done, feel free
to close this bug.


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