Control: tags -1 +wontfix

Hi Mark, and thanks for this bugreport,

Le lundi, 4 mars 2013 14.31:43, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
> To permit an effective management of the printer queue, i've setup in
> /etc/cups/cups-files.conf a line like:
>       SystemGroup printops
> where 'printops' is a group in my LDAP setup (slapd,
> libnss/libpam-ldapd).

This is a valid (partial, see below) configuration change indeed.

> Every time i reboot a server, cups complain in error_log about:
>       E [25/Feb/2013:18:24:28 +0100] Unknown SystemGroup "printops" on line 17
> of /etc/cups/cups-files.conf.
> and start in an ''half-working'' way, eg daemon run but does not work;
> i have to restart cups to get it back.
> So, i think that cups service have to boot-depend on slapd/nslcd
> services.

I think that as you modified the cups configuration through /etc/cups/cups-
files.conf to change the default cups SystemGroup (which is local), you ought 
to as well modify /etc/init.d/cups to add a slapd/nslcd mention in the Should-
Start line. So in short, I think it's your responsibility to make cups start 
after the services you made it depend on, therefor hereby tagging wontfix.



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