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Hi Mark,

thanks for your bugreport.

Le lundi, 4 mars 2013 11.12:31, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
> If i need to chain some backend, eg because i need the Backend Error
> Handler (beh, in the package 'foomatic-filters') or the 'jasmine'
> backend (, non packaged)
> i've found that the second backend cannot be launched.
> Seems to me that cups drop privilege running the first backend as user
> 'lp', but some of the backend (eg, ipp) are set as 750 root.root, so
> cannot get executed.

As far as I can tell, all chained configurations that go through cups are 
working correctly, so that's definitely a minor issue for standard use cases.

> I hope that this things can be fixed, or at least explained a bit in a
> README.Debian.

@Till: do you have an opinion on this bug ? I tend to think that as the 
default chaining through cups works, it's not worth fixing, but I'd welcome 
your input there.



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