On 2013-03-06, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 04:45:45PM -0500, Michael Gilbert wrote:
>> Please remove tty-clock.  It's got lots of issues that aren't really
>> being worked on (bug #700738).  It also has no reverse-dependencies
>> and has yet to be included in a stable release.
> The bug you quote was filed on 16th Feb, and the most recent message was
> from the maintainer just two days ago. I see little evidence that the
> problems aren't being dealt with, just that they haven't been fixed as
> quickly as you would like.
> You should also include the maintainer, or at least the bug you quote, in
> your RM proposal. It's not like Antoine is MIA. I would be a bit insulted
> if this were my package.
> I am CCing Antoine to give a chance to rebut your request.

Right... I am not sure what issues you are refering to, but if it's only
#700738, this addresses "unsafeties" in the code. One very specific
issue with "use after free" calls has been addressed and David
mentionned something about there being other issues when ran under

I don't believe those should warrant a complete removal from wheezy. At
most, if the known use-after-free issues are *not* patched in a timely
manner, I agree the package should be removed, but those already have a

If you know what the other issues are, I suggest you make a clearer
explanation of what those are instead of asking for a complete exclusion
of this package.

(I was not insulted by the RM proposal, but would have appreciated being
CC'd in the original request...)

Awaiting your feedback,


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