Package: src:biomaj
Version: 1.2.1-1
Severity: wishlist

Dear Debian Med Maintainers,

are you sure the package descriptions are what you intended to say?

   Package: biomaj
   Description: biological data-bank updater
    BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies
transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform
    original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its
    post-processing facilities can be extended very easily.

   Package: biomaj-properties
   Description: biological data-bank updater - example properties files
    This package contains a set of data bank properties files that can be
    used as examples for BioMAJ. It contains descriptions for many existing
    data banks with or without workflows to transform data. Some files may
    require additional programs (such as BLAST) for post-processing.

I wonder what a "data bank" is. Did you intentionally use it instead of

The first sentence of the long description for biomaj-properties also sounds
strange to me.

I would be glad if the suggested patch proves as improvement.

Kind regards,
--- control	2012-10-03 10:53:31.000000000 +0200
+++	2013-03-12 23:17:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
  libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-logging-java,libjets3t-java, perl,
 Suggests: ncbi-tools-bin, blast2
-Description: biological data-bank updater
- BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies
+Description: biological database updater
+ BioMAJ downloads remote databases, checks their status and applies
  transformation workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use
  data for biologists and bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform
  original FASTA files into BLAST indexes. It is very flexible and its
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 Package: biomaj-properties
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Description: biological data-bank updater - example properties files
- This package contains a set of data bank properties files that can be
- used as examples for BioMAJ. It contains descriptions for many existing
- data banks with or without workflows to transform data. Some files may
- require additional programs (such as BLAST) for post-processing.
+Description: biological database updater - example properties files
+ This package contains a set of example properties files for use with
+ BioMAJ. It contains descriptions for many existing databases with
+ or without workflows to transform data. Some files may require
+ additional programs (such as BLAST) for post-processing.

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