On Sat, 16 Mar 2013 16:04:38 +0100 Serafeim Zanikolas wrote:

> I'm not sure any more that using a fifo instead of stdin is
> needed for a "programmatic" frontend. After all, the tracebacks in #662983
> suggest that the failure occurs only when apt-listbugs tries to access
> /dev/tty, at which point it has already parsed the apt hook data from stdin.

It seems to me that you are right: if I recall correctly, the failure
indeed happens after the hook info parsing step.

Anyway, implementing a new alternative frontend is an even more radical
modification for apt-listbugs. Let's not forget that here we were only
talking about fixing #671726 and #671728 (in order to fix #662983 in a
better way)...

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