tags 703236 + moreinfo

Am 17.03.2013 13:12, schrieb Bertrand Marc:
> Package: network-manager
> Version:
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> When I plug my Sony Ericsson W995 phone by USB, 3 interfaces are created : 
> ttyACM0, ttyACM1 and wwan0.
> I'd like to use wwan0 to access the internet. NM doesn't see the wwan0 
> interface (as stated by nm-tool,
> or looking into syslog) and therefore the nm-applet doesn't show it.
> Note that the following command give me access to the internet:
> #ifconfig wwan0 up
> #dhclient wwan0
> (/etc/network/interfaces contains only two lines about lo).
> If I install modemmanager, NM handle ttyACM0 and ttyACM1, but these needs 
> information about my
> provider to connect. Since the phone is already connected to the internet, 
> exposing wwan0 I shouldn't need
> these informations.
> Last, it used to work 2 years ago with a phone from the same manufacturer, 
> but the interface was named usb0.
> Is there a way to have wwan0 show up in nm-applet when plugged, and make NM 
> request an address via dhcp ?

Please send us a debug log of NetworkManager and modemmanager. See [1]
"Debugging NetworkManager 0.8 and 0.9 3G connections"


[1] https://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/Debugging
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