On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 06:54:27PM +0000, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> Control: tag -1 + moreinfo

Hi Jonathan,

> I guess you're both waiting for each other :)

> That list is more than we'd normally accept at the time you wrote and
> certainly not very suitable for Wheezy at this stage. Can you easily cut it
> down to just the RC fixes?
That's precisly why I prepared a -7 without these changes.

> The other option is removal from Wheezy and providing it through backports.
> We can't really ship a package that FTBFS out of the box.
I agree, I opened the following request (#703890, #703891) to drop two
plugins that are not usuable. I think fusioninventory-agent can stay in
testing if you ACK the -7 package. I will prepare bpo after the release. 

Best regards,
     Gonéri Le Bouder

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