On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 01:55:47PM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Hi Guido--
> Thanks for your prompt and thoughtful response, i appreciate it!
> git-buildpackage helps me a lot because it encodes standard workflow
> decisions and operations so i don't have to think about them.  without
> this fix, i have to work around git-buildpackage and do more things
> manually.
> On 03/26/2013 06:47 PM, Guido Günther wrote:
> > We had a complained that this is already too much information (juat
> > cp.version was deemed enough).
> Who made this complaint?  Is it public?
> When i make cryptographic signatures, i consider it important that those
> signatures can be successfully interpreted in a context-independent
> manner.  That is, if the same signature was presented in a new place, it
> should not change its interpretation.  The data being signed needs to
> contain its own context explicitly and unambiguously.  For example, i
> would not sign an e-mail if the entire body was: "Yes, I think this is a
> good idea." because the message could be trivially replayed in some
> other e-mail conversation to imply my agreement with an idea that i
> might not actually agree to.
> It is critically important that any tool that makes automated signatures
> on my behalf respects the same context-independence constraint.
> > Given that he has commit access to that repo.
> There are lots of ways that an attacker can gain access to a repo
> without having legitimate commit privileges.  Some git repositories are
> accessed in the clear (e.g. via git:// or http://), so anyone in control
> of the network could spoof the repo;  An attacker could compromise
> another developer's account; and so on.
> The point of having signed tags is that *it doesn't matter* who has
> access to the repo.  The entire communications infrastructure could fall
> apart or leak like a sieve and you could still verify whether the tag
> was made by one of a list of trusted individuals, and what they intended
> by the tag.
> > Assuming you don't check that the commit you build can reach the
> > debian branch head.
> The debian branch head can be moved to any commit in the repo by someone
> with control over the repo.
> I agree that it's possible that some automated systems will have an
> fingers-crossed boostrap phase and then only accept fast-forward merges
> before attempting a rebuild, but not all of them work that way, and
> given that we have cryptographic authentication possible, we shouldn't
> have to cross our fingers during the bootstrap phase or require
> fast-forward merges anyway.
> > I'm not convinced that this helps an automated build system. Isn't this
> > just a hint (that can be enforced by a commit hook). It certainly eases
> > the detection that the commit belongs to the package.
> It doesn't ease the detection -- it makes that detection possible.
> Without it, there is no way to cryptographically guarantee that the tag
> you're looking at was intended for the project you expect.
> > But if we're
> > really after security here we should also document a proper setup for
> > automated builds, otherwise the fix isn't useful as is. What workflow is
> > on your mind?
> I agree that it would be good to have some best-practices documentation
> for folks who have automated build farms.  I don't believe that this fix
> should wait on that documentation.  The fix enables the documentation to
> be written, not the other way around.
> I'm not trying to claim that this bug makes the signed tags completely
> worthless; any human who actually examines a repository and is willing
> to think about it would see that a transplanted signed tag is pretty
> fishy.  But (a) i want signed tags to be usable by machines which are
> much worse at detecting "fishiness", and (b) not all humans think this
> stuff through.

Convinced and pushed. Thanks for your patch!
 -- Guido

> Thanks for your work on git-buildpackage!
>       --dkg

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