This bug was also noticed when loading the Debian logo itself here: is said not to be affected there... But I have the same
problem as you with the file here:

A workaround that is suggested:

1) apt-get install libxml2-utils sgml-data
2) xmllint --noent openlogo.svg > openlogo-fixed.svg
(Yes it's "noent", not to be confused with "nonet".)
3) Optionally, remove the DTD declaration from the resulting file.

The last two steps can be combined as:

xmllint --dropdtd --noent openlogo.svg > openlogo-fixed.svg

This bug with the Debian logo was reported in #698872, where the package
python-scour was also suggested to cleanup namespaces...

So no fix, but a workaround, which I confirms fixes the problem for me
with the above image.


Le Québec ne rêve plus de devenir une société modèle: voilà son
problème d'environnement.
                        - Pierre Dansereau (1911 - 2011)

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