Okay Kamal, I'll wait and see what comes out, then run a cautious trial
on a sample set of the radios I work with on a daily basis.

On 04/05/2013 12:23 PM, Kamal Mostafa wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-04-04 at 23:04 -0400, Chris Knadle wrote:
>> Greetings.
>> I recently got a new rig, a small HT, and needed chirp to program it. 
>> Unfortunately the version of the packge in Debian now doesn't work
for the
>> rig, and I found the year-old wishlist bug #672318 requesting a new
>> I've prepared a new 0.3.0-0.1 package (currently as an NMU) and made
>> other changes -- the debian/rules file now uses dh.
>> If someone has time to take a peek and review this source package, I'd
>> appreciate it.  ;-)
>>    http://debian-packages.coredump.us/debian/pool/main/c/chirp/
> Thanks Chris, your work is much appreciated.  I'll see that this gets
> reviewed by myself and/or Steve Conklin (the chirp Debian maintainers)
> as soon as possible.
>> Thanks.
>>   -- Chris, KB2IQN
> On Fri, 2013-04-05 at 02:46 -0400, David A Aitcheson wrote:
>> [...]
>> PS - A fork similar to this is what caused all the problems with "NODE".
>> Did we not learn anything from that drawn out over more than a decade
> As has been pointed out, Chris's proposed package is not any sort of a
> fork -- nor is it duplicated work with respect to the chirp-daily PPA.
> Chris's package is aimed at bringing a newer "official" release of chirp
> to Debian (where it will then make its way into stock Ubuntu and many
> other distros), whereas the purpose of the Ubuntu PPA is to deliver the
> bleeding-edge version to more advanced Ubuntu users.  Chris's package is
> (potentially) suitable for inclusion in Debian and its derivatives, but
> the daily build package is not.
> 73 de KA6MAL
>  -Kamal

David A Aitcheson david.aitche...@gmail.com Go Green! Print this email
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