On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 01:09:43 +0100 Serafeim Zanikolas wrote:

> Hi guys,

Hi Serafeim (and sorry for the very late follow-up),

> Attached a proof-of-concept for the advanced use case (in which the user
> actually wants to review which buggy packages to pin or upgrade). Consider
> this as a basis for further discussion, rather than something anywhere near a
> working patch.

I tested it by running it a few times.

I understand that it's just a proof-of-concept script, but, well, it
feels a little limited in its user interaction: I mean, can we present
a multiple-action choice to the user (via debconf)?

The current apt-listbugs text user interface displays the bugs that
affect the installation/upgrade and then offers the user the following
possible choices:
 * go on
 * go on and permanently mark the bugs as ignored
 * stop everything
 * display one bug log
 * pin some or all the packages
 * mark a bug as ignored
 * open a browser to display one bug log

How can we do something similar via debconf without forcing the user to
go through a tree of multiple successive screens (that would feel like
a horrible call center menu system: "dial 1 to learn about our
fantastic promotional offers, dial 2 to receive commercial
assistance, ...")?    

> Going forward from here, one possibility would be for the apt-listbugs ruby
> script to invoke the debconf script (passing on the package/bug num/bug title
> info and getting back the user reply, via a tempfile or something along those
> lines).

To be frank, I am not too enthusiastic about the idea to let a Ruby
program invoke a POSIX shell script in order to get a user interface...

If we have to implement a debconf interface for apt-listbugs, I would
strongly prefer that it be done directly in Ruby.

> One issue with the debconf approach is that you can't fire up a browser to
> lookup a bug report before making the pin/upgrade decision (something that's
> possible with the current non-debconf based interaction). You also can't ^Z
> the debconf screen to do so manually. Any ideas about working around this?

This looks like a severe limitation, if confirmed...

> Another issue that should be straightforward: use debconf in postinst to ask
> the user to choose between newbie and advance use (ie. whether one should go
> through the above dialog on every invocation, or let apt-listbugs upgrade only
> non-rc-buggy packages without asking) -- defaulting to newbie mode?

This is much more similar to what is usually done with debconf, and
should not be hard in itself, I think...

What puzzles me is all the rest, as I explained above.

Unfortunately I cannot dedicate time to the issue, for the time being.
Maybe after the release of wheezy? Hopefully, not *too* long after?


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