Stefano Zacchiroli <> writes:

> Personally, I'd love if the lintian maintainers could assume their
> responsibility as promoting the adoption of best-practices. After all,
> it is you people who are the first steward of package quality, thanks to
> lintian. As a developer I'd have no problem whatsoever in trusting your
> judgement about that. And if I will ever find myself in disagreement I
> can either stop using lintian (with all the associated negative quality
> consequences), add an override documenting my disagreement, or try to
> convince you that you're wrong discussing in a bug report as we do for
> every other package.

My comment earlier in this bug is that the blow-up about this happened a
long time ago, and while I don't think we should just add this without any
discussion, I think someone should just bring it up on debian-devel again.
My guess is that time has gone by, people have calmed down, and people
have seen the reasons why 3.0 (quilt) with single-debian-patch is clearly
better than 1.0 in terms of avoiding mistakes, and I doubt there will be
any opposition this time.

If there's still opposition, we can have the conversation again, but there
doesn't seem to be any point in borrowing trouble when we could just mail
debian-devel and ask and quite possibly have an unproblematic consensus.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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