On 14-04-13 01:45, peter green wrote:
> Sorry I could have been clearer in my last mail. I didn't intend to 
> blame you for most of the issues with the patch (you just took a 
> broken patch and made it differently broken) but I could see how it 
> could have come across that way.

Thanks for the clarification, I appreciate that.

> Still I firmly belive that the name in the changechangelog trailer 
> should be the person who finalised the upload.

Again, I also doubted. I am watching and contributing on the
d-mentors@l.d.o list and see this happening once in a while. In this
case I wanted to credit Abou for the change, instead, because it failed,
it might look otherwise. Indeed, I am now convinced you are right. Next
time I will credit in the log itself.

> If noone naks this in the next few days I will go ahead and upload 
> it.

Please go ahead. Lets get rid of this RC bug in Wheezy ASAP, so we can
release. If I can help by filing and tracking the unblock after
successful build (or I can even do the (unchanged :) ) upload for you),
please let me know (here or in private).


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