Package: installation-reports

Subject: installation-report (NOW FIXED) HPT370 PATA Boots to ONE
disk, NO RAID, using V7 Installer RC1 Wheezy i386 20130214-11:13

More information is in my previous installation-reports on archived;
bug#606416 and bug#610627, about my 'False Raid Controller'.

BOOTS UP OK, using the RC1 graphical installer DVD and re ipl's itself
ok after the install.
OK, I get error message "Gnome 3 failed to load", but I am pleased the
HPT370 HighPoint Raid Controller 2001 supporting code had moved to and
since from Sid, and over to Debian GNU/Linux Installer Release
Candidate 1  Wheezy 7.0 i386 20130214-11:13 succesfully.
Thank you to those involved who achieved this for the first time.  See
further down for bios settings etc.

Initially my intention and I failed:-
Boot method: DVD graphical installer setting up for booting,
  using an array called /dev/md0  built on two hard drive disks,
configured for raid1 mirroring mode.
I used the latest current downloaded testing dvd image, of the time.
Debian official snapshot i386 dvd binary1 20110108-16:28. Yes, January 2011.
Only the first DVD 1 of the set was required.
I first began using earlier installs of 'testing' then Date: 08 December 2010.

Machine: Motherboard: A bit KT7, Raid, 1 Ghz.
Processor: AMD AThlon K7, 850 Mhz, Socket 'A'
Memory:    SDRAM  2 x 512Mb = 1Gb.
Chipset:   Via KT 133 ATX, USB 1.0 compliant, UDMA 100, Socket 'A',
FSB 200Mhz, AGP 4X.

DASD: (Direct Access Storage Device = Hard Disk Device in this case.)
Quantity x2, brand new at the time, IBM Deskstar, Manufactured August 2000,
Made in Hungary, Model DTLA-307030 ATA/IDE  Capacity 30.7 GB
Part Number: 07N3929,   LBA: 60.036.480 sectors,
CHS 16383 / 16 / 63,  Using Ultra 100 cables.

Updated bios: Award Modular Bios v6.00 PG.
07/11/2002-8363-6A6A-6A6LMA19C-A9 The Latest level.
CMOS Set Up Utility: Advanced BIOS features:
  First boot device: CDROM,
  Second boot device: ATA100RAID,
  Third boot device: ATA100RAID,  ( Just try booting the same disk again)
  Boot other device: disabled.
  Delay for IDE Initial (Secs) 8.

Intergrated Peripherals:
  ATA100RAID IDE Controller: Enabled.
 Two additional IDE channels provide the capability of adding high
performance device(s) to system.
 IDE HDD Block Mode:        Enabled.
 for automatic detection of the optimal number of block read/writes
per sector the drive can support.

DASD chip: On-motherboard HPT370 raid controller 2001 (hardware raid)
Is not used by me for 'hardware raid' here now.
The intention was and will be to use the
HPT370 for Debian GNU/Linux MDADM Software raid1 mode (mirroring)
using Debian-GNU/Linux-Squeeze-di-RC1-i386.
Yes, Squeeze RC1 was current when I tried this the first time.
Onboard Hipoint HPT370 UDMA/ATA100 RAID controller BIOS v01.11.0402
HPT370 BIOS Setting Utility screen button F1 toggles the view ARRAY
STATUS shows no array. Good!  I am not using any raid
function for this boot, just using the HiPoint controller as an
additional, fast, IDE
controller. Ultra ATA100.

Time goes by; Debian GNU/Linux V7 Wheezy RC1 is now current, Yes
I have two: IBM-DTLA-307030 drives, intended eventually as primary master and
secondary master connected to the High Point HPT370 controller, The
green sockets on my motherboard,
attached with Ultra ATA100 ribbon cables that have only two plugs on each cable.
the motherboard end and the master device end. Note: no Cable Slave plug.
My intention is still to set up O/S software raid at a later date.

  Off Topic, As an aside, these two drives bought from new, Moo, intermitantly.
They always have Moo'ed, just like an animal. A cow in the far distance.
As I live in a rural area, I thought for months that an animal was calling.
I started to get distressed for this animal and began to sound locate
360 degrees.
Having located the origin, this Raid issue allowed me to run one drive
at a time for months and identify that both drives moo. I assume its
the bearings. It does not seem to effect performance. The DASD work.
Back on topic.

With only ONE hard drive attached in the machine, and all set up for
fault finding.

Updated Modular BIOS: V6.00 PG. With Cmos Setup Utility 2002 Award Software:
07/11/2002-8363-6A6A-6A6LMA19C-A9 The Latest level.
  Standard Cmos Features:
IDE Primary master:     none.
IDE Primary slave:      none.
IDE Secondary master:   LITE-ON LTR-16102B  DVD rewriter.
IDE Secondary slave:    none.

  Advanced Bios Features:
1st boot device: CDROM.
2nd boot device: CDROM.
3rd boot device: Was HDD-0. Now set to CDROM
Boot Other Device:  enabled.
Delay for IDE Initial (Secs) 0.
Floppy 3 mode support: disabled.

  Intergrated Peripherals:
Onboard IDE-1 Controller: enabled. No Hard Drives are connected here.
Onboard IDE-2 Controller: enabled. No Hard Drives are connected here.
White coloured sockets on the motherboard for IDE-1 and IDE-2.
USB Controller: Was disabled. Now set to enabled. (for printer and mouse.)
ATA100 RAID IDE Controller: Was set to disabled. Now set to enabled.
 (because I had been using this machine with Wheezy on IDE-1 and
ignoring the raid chip for a year.)
IDE HDD Block Mode: enabled. For automatic detection of the optimal
number of read/writes per sector the drive can support.
Onboard FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) Controller: disabled. Motherboard's
Black socket for FDD.

On reIPL'ing (rebooting) and now being presented with the
High Point screen prompt to press <Control> + <H>
I entered the HPT370 BIOS Setting Utility, 2001 HighPoint Technolgies Inc.
BIOS V1.11.0402.
Pressing the F1 key, toggles in and out of the Status window.
Originally displayed the status of the only DASD (Direct Access
Storage Device = Hard Disk Drive.)
Secondary Master: IBM DTLA-307030  Size (M) 30018 Mode: UDMA 5   (The
selection shows udma 5 to be 100 MB/s )
  Status: HDD0.
Toggling the F1 key back to the BIOS Setting Main Menu and selecting
item 7. to set up the boot device, on the only
device, the status of the device went from HDD0 to BOOT.
No other menu item was used to change anything, NO creation of a raid set.
I pressed escape to exit the High Point BIOS Utility.

The machine booted up and ran the first disk install DVD Binary-1.
Debian Installer Release Candidate 1 Wheezy v7 i386 20130214-11:13

  I partitioned the disk as:-
SCSI4 (0,0,0) (sda) -30.7GB ATA IBM-DTLA-30730
        1.0 MB                  FREESPACE
#1      1.7 GB          F       swap    swap    swap
#2      29.0GB  B       F       ext4    /       /
#3      103.8MB         F       biosgrub        biosgrub  Reserved BIOS boot 
        704.0KB                 FREESPACE

Note: I cannot set the Boot Flag on the #3 partition, the Reserved
BIOS boot area.
I appreciate that it is probably as it should be.
I want to understand the use of the Reserved BIOS when the
documentation becomes easily available.
My initial boot code I expect, will be on the MBR (Master Boot Record,
see 'man boot') of sda and the only DASD attached.
I think it said: Excecuting grub-install /dev/sda  (It was definitley
sda with no partition number specified.)
I will check again when I next install. Until then, I believe I am accurate.

The machine BOOTS UP OK, after the graphical install and re ipl'ing
itself using the single one disk installed.
  I get error message "Gnome 3 failed to load", but I am pleased the
HPT370 HighPoint Controller 2001 supporting code went to and since
moved from Sid, over to Debian GNU/Linux V7.0 Installer Release
Candidate 1
Wheezy i386 20130214-11:13 succesfully.
Thank you to all those involved who achieved to RC1 for the first
time. I am looking forward to Stable.

Regards, McTech.

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