Sergei Golovan <> writes:

> Hi Rodolphe.
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 11:44 PM, Rodolphe Quiédeville
> <> wrote:
>> Hi, erlang module with unit test included can not be compile or include if
>> erlang-dev is not installed, this error occurs :
> "Can not be compiled" looks fine to me as it is (to build something
> it's natural to have erlang-dev
> installed). What do you mean by "or included". Eunit tests require
> eunit.hrl in runtime? Does
> it make sense to run eunit tests while not developing something? If
> yes then maybe it'd be
> better to move eunit.hrl into the erlang-eunit package?

It was the sense of my remark, doing unit test implied a developement
case so it was logical to automatically install erlang-dev when
requesting install off erlang-eunit, maybe I misunderstood but you seem
to be agree if not what do you consider (if it the case) adding a
depends on erlang-dev to erlang-unit package is not a good idea ?

Lots of packages does not include .hrl files they are in erlang-dev so
I'm not sure it's a good idea to move .hrl to erlang-eunit.

Maybe someone can give to us another point of view.

Kinds regards,

Rodolphe Quiédeville

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