Attila Kinali wrote:

> > Unfortunately I think it's now too late to fix this before the
> > release.
> Yeah. I felt bad about opening a critical bug this short before the
> release. But breaking devices is something that shouldnt happen.

Attila, I hope not have bricked any of your msp430 kits. I didn't spot
the importance of this patch out of the upstream bundle that happened
during the freeze, my bad.
> > I'd be happy to accept the patch in a point release, but would
> > appreciate some input from the maintainer here - should we ship the
> > package as-is and fix the problem in the first point release, or
> > remove the package (and msp430-libc) from wheezy? The removal would
> > not be a regression, as neither package is in squeeze.
> I would not remove the packages from wheezy, that would be
> unwarranted. Maybe an intermediate solution would be to change the
> description of the packages to contain a warning for the FRAM based
> devices. And then fix it in the point realease in 2 or 3 months.

Just for a bit of context for the RT, this just affects a minority of
the msp430 chips (the FR series, recently launched and based on FRAM).
I expect most of the user to come for the Launchpad or other zigbee
related boards, which doesn't carry those FR chips.
Nonetheless there are some recent devkits (called fraunchpad), which are
affected. I don't own any of those and I'm unsure how popular they are,
given the price.

Following Attila suggestion, I'd keep the package in and
document this RC in the meanwhile (in the release notes? I fear we are
too late also for a -4 with a NEWS.Debian.gz or a description change).
I'll then upload the fix next week to s-p-u.

Cheers, Luca

  .''`.  |               ~<[ Luca BRUNO ~ (kaeso) ]>~
 : :'  : | Email: lucab (AT) ~ Debian Developer
 `. `'`  | GPG Key ID: 0x3BFB9FB3       ~ Free Software supporter
   `-    | HAM-radio callsign: IZ1WGT   ~ Networking sorcerer

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